
Category: Internet Marketing
Never Let 'Em See You Sweat

- February 22, 2018 -

Never let 'em see you sweat...

Remember those oldie but goodie Dry Idea commercials?

Yeah, this will date some of us LOL

In 1984, the Gillette Company launched a new series of TV commercials for its Dry Idea antiperspirants that introduced what eventually became one of the most famous ad slogans of all time.

The TV commercials featured celebrities who each mentioned three “never's” for their profession — ending with “never let them see you sweat.”

The commercials were memorable not only for their tagline, but also because they were witty and well-performed by the celebrities.

Here's one...

Lauren Hutton (Actress): There are [...]

We're not buying curtains...

- February 21, 2018 -

I was a one-call close salesman.

We were taught to...

Think like a closer.

Act like a closer.

Walk like a closer.

Believe you were a closer.

Weeks one and two of every month were spent cold-calling anyone listed in the county after another, making our pitch.

We'd beat them into the ground until they either gave in or hung up...

Typical example back then? Here's one...

So I have John on the phone and he wants to submit an order...but needs to talk it over with his wife first.

My response goes like this: "Hey, John. We're buying stock, not curtains!"

Pretty cringe-worthy, isn't it?

I'm [...]

Two Fess-Ups

- February 1, 2018 -

First things first...

A couple hours after the email went out yesterday, I read it back and thought "Oh, sh*t. Everyone's going to think I'm a golf pro!"

I said that I shot a 72 on a 79 par course...

On top of not being able to spell, guess I better get checked for Dyslexia!

I shot a 79 on a 72 par course! Geez...I wish I could have shot a 72.

So to all of you who replied with accolades...thank you, but I had to 'fess up lol


Another "Come to Jesus" confession of sorts.

About 6 months ago we started to [...]

Addicted to Technology

- January 18, 2018 -

Have you ever thought about how obsessively time-oriented we are?

Most of us live by our watches and calendars. Our phones are synced to our calendars. And our cars are synced to our phones.

Before Cheryl's dad passed away in November, his phone was his only real source of connection to his friends, employees, and out-of-town family.

In the last months of his battle with cancer, he wasn't able to go much beyond the couch and then a hospital bed in his home. But his iPhone was always within reach.

One day when all he got was a black screen [...]

A Starving Crowd

- January 13, 2018 -

Gary Halbert was one of the most revered direct response copywriters of all time.

He used to ask students in his seminars…

“If you and I both owned a hamburger stand and we were in a contest to see who could sell the most hamburgers, what advantages would you most like to have on your side to help you win?"

Some of the students said “superior meat.” Others “sesame seed buns.” Others “good location.” Still others “the lowest price.”

When they finished, Gary would say, "O.K., I'll give you every single advantage you have asked for. I only want one [...]

Maybe I Don't Have It Anymore

- January 12, 2018 -

When I'm back visiting family in Philly, I'm an Eagles fan.

But since I live in Pittsburgh, to not root for the Steelers would be sacrilege. Potentially even life-threatening...haha.

So it goes without saying, I gotta back my man Ben.

Even (especially) when he said, "Maybe I don't have it anymore" after a lousy and frustrating game three months ago where he threw five interceptions in a 30-9 humiliating loss to Jacksonville.

I think we've all thought that at one time or another. We're human.

We don't really mean it, but at that moment we kinda loose our swagger. Our shoulders [...]

Is Bitcoin the Next Beanie Baby?

- January 11, 2018 -

"If your stomach can't stand seeing something cut in half in value in a very short time, then you shouldn't be in Bitcoin." - Jeff Walker

Nerves of steel. Courage under fire.

Some are calling Bitcoin the biggest bubble in modern history.

I see it more like the Cabbage Patch Kids and Beanie Babies collecting frenzies.

Having a background in the investment arena, investing and trading has always held a fascination for me...and for months I quietly sat back and studied crypto coins.

Everyone was saying it was all a bunch of b.s.

So being the contrarian that I am...

For fun, I [...]

Brokers With Beards

- January 10, 2018 -

Fresh out of college, I had just landed my first job as an investment broker.

I had no money and was driving my grandfather's Delta 88. It was a big old green monster lol

To avoid embarrassment, I parked the car three blocks away and walked to the firm every day.

And I determined then and there that my goal was to make enough to buy a BMW asap. I still drive one today, probably just to remind me of how hard I worked in those early days to pay cash for it.

One day, my boss walked up to [...]

New Year's Blues

- January 9, 2018 -

I have to admit...I'm not a touchy feely guy. If you've been on our list for any length of time, you know I don't mince words, move fast and hate b.s.

So when Cheryl said on New Years Day that she had an exercise we should do, I kind of had an idea where this was headed LOL

I was supposed to imagine what I wanted my ideal life to look like.

Note...she had already thoughtfully answered all the exercise questions so the easy thing would have been to say, "Exactly what you wrote down" and I'm done!

But doesn't [...]

2 Transforming Twists on Well-Known Copywriting Secrets

Remember watching The Karate Kid for the first time?

Daniel, the new kid in the neighborhood, is repeatedly targeted by some hard-core bullies. To defend himself, he trains for a karate tournament with Miyagi as his mentor.

And in the famous climactic scene where he assumes the “crane” stance, he pushes through intense pain and is declared the winner! Everyone cheers. Daniel gets the girl and the respect of his nemesis.

Daniel is the hero.

Miyagi is just the guide who helps Ralph earn his hero status.

Like Miyagi, our role is to make our customers the hero...we just help them get what they really [...]

Life's too short to drink bad wine... or get ho-hum emails

Sign up for Art’s popular “Contrarian” emails & get biz lessons (w/o the B.S.)


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Barron Marketing’s mission is turn around the disturbing statistic that 95% of all new businesses will fail in the 1st year.

After running successful businesses for 30 years, we’ve noticed that “Businesses don’t plan to fail…they simply don’t plan.”

We find the holes in your sales process and design custom sales funnels based from years of “in the trenches” experience.

We treat your company as if it were our own.

Our core values

1. We are committed to helping entrepreneurs get results.
2. We listen, we care, we do what we say we'll do.
3. We innovate and constantly improve.
4. We face challenges with optimism.
5. We only work with clients we can provide value for.
6. We do the right thing.
7. When we are not working, we are not working.
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