
Category: Internet Marketing
GDPR...Is D-Day Upon Us?

- May 22, 2018 -

In the world of online marketing, there have been few more polarizing subjects recently than GDPR.

And believe me, I have gone back and forth in my mind as to how to approach this without making myself a target for rotten tomatoes. Lol

At the same time, you know me by now...I'm not one to pussyfoot around and sugar coat anything.

I'm not politically correct. But I do want to be a voice of reason.

So hold on to your hats, folks.

If you're not up on what the heck GPDR is, here's the Cliff Notes version:

+ GDPR stands for General [...]

Zuck Gets Scolded

- April 18, 2018 -

Last Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg sat in the hot seat and faced a congressional hearing about whether his company adequately protects Facebook users' data.

Twitter blew up when two pages of his notes were shared thousands of times after a photographer captured them.

And interestingly enough investors seemed to like Zuck's debut on Capitol Hill...Facebook stock ended up 4.5% on Tuesday and up another 1.5% in trading Wednesday.

Just in case you're not up to speed on what the whole brouhaha was all about...

Cambridge Analytica, a data firm with ties to President Donald Trump's campaign, accessed information from as many [...]

The "Goldilocks" Pricing Model

- April 4, 2018 -

You know you're getting old when you and your buddies talk (often) about your physical ailments...

Shoot me if I ever start heading in that direction lol

In fact, I tend to avoid doctors and dentists for the most part. Not saying that's smart. Just sayin'.

Luckily I have good teeth 🙂

So when I went to the dentist recently and found out I had a couple of cavities and needed a crown, I thought "Sh*t. I don't have time for this."

...which my dentist mistook the vibes I must have been giving off as a money pain point.

He probably assumed [...]

Stop Wimping Out

- April 2, 2018 -

You've witnessed (or been part of) this scene before...

Mom or dad is at the mall or the grocery store with Johnny in tow... and Johnny starts acting up. He wants something and has been told "No."

He tries again. "No." Again..."Sorry, no."

So Johnny throws a fit to try and wear his parent down. He's smart...and has learned the art of manipulation at a young age.

Most of the time, mom or dad are able to nip the whole thing in the bud...Johnny knows it's futile to press their luck and life goes on.

But it's those times when mom [...]

Lighten Up...

- March 29, 2018 -

A few years ago, I quit buying those pre-packaged prepared meals sold at Giant Eagle.

Made packing a lunch easy. And they were pretty darn tasty...

...but after a few months, my slacks started to not fit so well lol

Turns out they're packed with salt (which is probably why they tasted so good.)

So I switched to eating fish during the week and meat on the weekend...and dropped 20 lbs like that!

I guess the fancy term people who read stuff like Goop call this is "eating clean."

Whatever...I call it middle-aged spread diet 🙂

I actually think the secret to my [...]

The Taxman Cometh

- March 27, 2018 -

It's "that" time of year again!

April 15th is about two weeks away...every entrepreneur's favorite day of the year lol

And for a guy who had to take Accounting 101 three times to pass, filing taxes are about as fun as a poison ivy rash!

And that's what I have Frank, my CPA for. He's been doing my taxes for 25 years.

So when the news last December was all about either Bitcoin or the new Tax Bill, I did two things:

1) Called Frank ranting. Frank listened (most likely he just put the phone down to save his eardrums) and [...]

Is Your Brand Nailing This?

- March 20, 2018 -

Which is most important to nail when creating or revamping your brand?

A) Your company name.

B) Your logo.

C) Your tagline.

[Eeeert] If you named any of the above.

Sorry for the trick question 🙂

But several times a week I see people posting questions in Facebook groups asking for input on which logo people like better...

Or requests for creative company names or catchy taglines.

And it's interesting when you sit back and just observe...

Logo picks seem to be split pretty evenly. And potential name or tagline suggestions are all over the place.

So what does that tell you?

It's all personal...

Your brand is [...]
If It Quacks Like a Duck...

- March 19, 2018 -

Remember the ads for Nivea "Bio-Slim Complex"...the body lotion that claimed that with regular use, it would reduce body size? That sure would be "easier" than good old diet and exercise!

Well, Nivea chose to settle to avoid a lawsuit and stopped making the product.

And this one...Splenda got sued by Equal, another alternative sugar competitor because Spenda claimed that it was “Made from sugar so it tastes just like sugar.”

Equal claimed that Splenda was leading customers to believe that its product was healthier than other sugars substitutes. Splenda had to change its marketing slogan and advertising campaign [...]

You Are Only a Guest...

- March 15, 2018 -

I have a theory that the real reason people go to their class reunions is to see who has gained more weight or lost more hair than they have.  lol

Actually, we have a really great time reminiscing about the 'old' days.

So we all know that every class has...

+ a Wally Cleaver. The good kid who never lied, was polite and smart and clean-cut.

+ a Clarence "Lumpy" Rutherford. The bully.

+ and an Eddie Haskell. The smart-mouthed, sneaky kid who could turn on the charm whenever adults were around.

You got it. I'm referencing Leave It To Beaver. The [...]

Authenticity, Like a Fine Wine...

- March 7, 2018 -

About 20 years ago I was introduced to the owner of a wine shop that had recently opened in Napa.

Napa is wine country but her shop was unique.

Margaux noses out and stocks hard-to-find artisanal wines from all over the world.

Boutique wines aren't massed produced. They're limited in quantity but exceptional in quality...and not cheap.

In short...I was hooked and have been collecting wine ever since.

Specifically Cabernet.

And in my wine cellar, every bottle is accounted for...probably won't even be able to drink it all before I die LOL

This wine isn't for every day sits there until a [...]

Life's too short to drink bad wine... or get ho-hum emails

Sign up for Art’s popular “Contrarian” emails & get biz lessons (w/o the B.S.)


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6. We do the right thing.
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