Surefire Plan for Failure

/By: bmsteam

- September 12, 2018 -

We're less than three weeks away from the start to Q3.

It's when your prospects who you've been courting for months start to pull back with excuses like: "Let's regroup after the holidays."

And your knee-jerk reaction is to go into belt-tightening mode...finding ways to cut costs and ride out the season.

It's like your brain is living in what it must have been like in the Depression Era. The best of intentions end up being counter-productive.

Impulse 1: Do everything yourself.

Learn that new technology..

Do your own accounting and bookkeeping.

And the tech troubleshooting.

Blogging, podcasting, posting.


Creating, fulfilling, serving, supporting.

(Need a nap yet?)

Impulse 2: Do it all, poorly.

It's not like you have a choice since every single task listed could eat up hours a day all on their own.

Try to do them all yourself...and something's gotta give.

Usually, it's quality.

That...or nothing gets done at all because you're totally overwhelmed.

(Need a beer yet? Or three?)

Impulse 3: Don't change.

Just keep doing what you're doing.

Work twice as hard to make half as much as you did before you started taking back what you were paying others to do.

But here's the thing:

Burnout is right around the corner.

I guarantee. Been there, done it.

It's something I continue to fight against every time those natural lulls in business hit...prospects going on summer vacations, holiday plans, post-holiday credit card distress syndrome.

(Need a way to take out your frustrations like burning your Nike's?)

Or you could do the opposite.

You could do less.

You could focus only on what matters most.

Like selling.

Remember yesterday's email? What did you calculate your hourly rate to be in order to make your quota for the year?

I guarantee that doing everything yourself won't get you where you need to be.

What if you had a sales funnel that took care of all the messy, difficult stuff...

...and all you had to do was close the sales in your pipeline and make sure your customers were thrilled?

We'll even take care of traffic...and the sifting, sorting, and qualifying so you only get those hot leads ready to talk to you.

But even if you never buy from us?

It's like real estate mogul Gary Keller says:

"Do fewer things with more effect, instead of more things with side effects."

There are a lot of dumb quotes out there - but my man took 'em to church with that one.


P.S. Same call to action as yesterday.

Art Basmajian signature

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Barron Marketing’s mission is turn around the disturbing statistic that 95% of all new businesses will fail in the 1st year.

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