Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

/By: bmsteam

- January 2, 2019 -

Doesn't matter that the Steelers had a six-game mid-season winning streak.

Doesn't matter that they have the NFL's passing leader.

Doesn't matter that Le'Veon Bell was out for the season.

Doesn't matter that they might have been dangerous in the playoffs.

What matters is that they were a half-game shy of a fifth straight postseason.

They didn't do their job because of...

...turnovers, and not the good kind.

...a 16-point home lead down the toilet.

...off-the-field drama. Yeah, that would be Brown.

...erratic, penalty-ridden special teams.

In short, lost opportunities.

Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda...

Forget the past.

First off, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Time with your family.

Time to unplug a little.

Time to eat and drink to excess. Lol

People, you know me by now...I don't b.s.

New Year's resolutions are a joke.

...attainable goals, both short-term and long-term are not.

Buying a new fancy, schmancy Planner won't magically make you productive.

...getting the right people in place in your business (and taking the time to train them properly) will.

Things changed dramatically this past year for me when I hired my current office manager...after firing the first three.

(Didn't give me the warm fuzzies letting them go, but neither did paying for sh***y ROI.)

This year my goal is to hire the right acquisitions manager to do what I'm currently doing so that I can focus on leading the company and investing the profits wisely.

It may take three months or it may take the whole year to find the right person.

Doesn't matter.

Get the right people in the right seats...and then get out of the way.

2018 is over. Done. In the books.

Do an assessment with your team (even if it's a party of one):.

...on what their goals for 2019 are.

...on what they need to do their jobs better.

...on what you need for them to do their jobs better.

...on what your goals for the business are and how they play a part in those.

Don't dwell on what went wrong for the next six months.

2019 is your opportunity for a fresh start.

One day at a time. One step at a time.

My only advice for you for 2019: Get the right people in the right seats and get out of the way.

Interested in interviewing us for the position?

You can do your due diligence right here.

Hang on...2019 is going to be quite the ride!

Art Basmajian signature

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