Where Delegation Falls Short

/By: bmsteam

- April 19, 2018 -

I'm a terrible teacher. I admit it. It's just not in my DNA.

Both of my sisters are teachers. One of my nieces is a teacher.

I suck at it.

Which made breaking in new employees about as enjoyable as getting a colonoscopy.

Everyone involved was frustrated.

And a valuable lesson in hiring and delegating resulted...

I've talked before about how I use the Kolbe personality test. (If you missed it, you can read about it here.)

See, there's a very distinct pattern in the way that most business owners delegate:

+ First I'll learn to do it myself and get really good at it.

+ I'll do it myself until I'm so overwhelmed that I want to drink (more.) Lol

+ Then I'll hire someone and train them to do it like I do.

Here's why this type of delegating doesn't work...

You end up building a team who is essentially no better than the founder of the company.

And one of me is quite enough, thank you! 🙂

It's incredibly limiting (but very common) for a company to try to grow and scale this way.

Limiting because when you're looking for someone who knows what you know (similar background experience)...you're not finding GREATNESS.

What you'll get is someone who will turn in the same "good-enough-but-not-rockin'-it" performance as you're capable of.

Instead...your job as founder/leader/owner is to build a team of individuals who are better than you at every position.

And not just better...but have a desire to grow and push each other to become better.

Did you catch that? I'm not the one inspiring them to greatness and pushing their own boundaries...they pushing and inspiring each other.

That's team-building in it's highest form.

Delegation isn't team-building...and it doesn't lead to scaling your business.

I guarantee that what you've always been taught is this: Delegate what you don't like or want to do so that you can do your genius work.

Balderdash! Phooey!

All you're doing is loaning out temporary ownership...because now you have to check to make sure the job is done right.

You're still the bottleneck...you've just made the neck a little wider.

When you only delegate...

+ What if that person gets sick?

+ What if that person misses a deadline?

+ What if that person leave the company?

Guess who the fallback person is? Me!

Woohoo! I've just given myself yet another job.

When looking for an assistant to run the office, I don't have the time of day to teach someone how to do the technical stuff that I painstakingly had to learn.

I need someone who knows more than I do - and if they run up against a roadblock, it wouldn't occur to them to ask me...

...they'd just figure it out.

And they hold me to task. "Chop, chop, Art...where's the file I needed yesterday? And your desk is a cluttered mess again?"

Because that's their personality. Follow-through and puzzle solving is part of their DNA.

Is it difficult to find the right person to fill strategic spots in your organization... and then to build mutual respect and give them space to do what they do best without micromanaging?

You bet! And that's your job...because anything less is holding the company back.

If you're a B2B business, and you've been delegating out the task of lead generation - and it's not been working out so well...

We've been busy the last nine months perfecting an automated solution that can work independently (or with Infusionsoft.)

+ It mines compliant data

+ Cleans that data...

+ Deploys a personalized email about your offer to that list on a TBD schedule (Can-SPAM compliant and all outside of Infusionsoft.)

+ Interested leads are directed to a customized landing page that features a professionally produced sales video describing your offer.

All done for you. On a regular basis.


You can learn more about Click My Video here.

Click My VideoTalk soon,

Art Basmajian signature

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