What's Your "Swimming Pool"?

/By: bmsteam

- October 9, 2018 -

I'm running hard today...and since yesterday's ramblings were a little longer than usual, here's a quick thought for today.

...Do you have trouble charging what you're worth?

...When you get push back on your quote, do you back down out of desperation and end up working for free?

...Ever feel like you're running a charity instead of a business?

Evidently the Beatles were perceived as the "free concert" guys early on when they were poor chaps living on the cheap and bathing in urinals (true fact.)

That they were anti-materialistic and wrote songs, recorded albums, and gave concerts...just for the love of singing.


Evidently they wanted to make a decent living and enjoy the fruits of their labors without apology.

In an interview, Paul McCartney said:

Write a Swimming Pool

Compensating your team for their time is a given, right?

We wouldn't think about giving our customers a break at the expense of paying our staff.

So why do we choose to not pay ourselves?

I'm not talking about greed and taking advantage of loyal customers who deserve our best.

I'm talking about running a freaking business responsibly...and taking care of our families...planning for our retirement that we all hope to reach sooner than later.

What's your swimming pool?

I'm off to my next appointment. Art needs a new set of golf clubs.

Ready to talk yet?

I'll be back tomorrow 🙂

Art Basmajian signature

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