Van Halen Would Be Proud

/By: bmsteam

- May 14, 2018 -

Believe it or not, I'm actually a really shy, pretty private person by nature.

Loud but shy. Lol

I'm not a social media poster. When I do have the time, I enjoy seeing what others are up to...and that's about it.

But I just gotta share this...

You already know that music is a big part of my life. Trumpets and doesn't get much better.

What you might not know is that both Cheryl and I were music majors in college for the first two years.

...I loved to perform but couldn't pass theory to save my life.

...Cheryl knew the theory but was deathly afraid to perform.

Fast forward 35 years or so and Cheryl has been playing the keyboard in her home church's band.

They play Christian rock and a cover of a pop tune once in a while when it made sense given the theme of the service.

A couple of weeks ago, she got an email from their band leader with a link to Van Halen's "Jump" asking her what she thought. In other words, "Are you up for this?"

So for those of you who came of age in the 80's, you know that there's a CRAZY guitar and keyboard solo in Jump.

Fun fact about Eddie Van Halen...he was trained classically on piano before he ever touched a guitar.

Cheryl was also classically trained...but rocking out to Van Halen, Sammy Hagar, and Motley Crue wasn't part of her repertoire 🙂

"Are you in or are you out?"

So back to her dilemma.

Does she say "yes" to learning Jump (solo and all)...when even the thought of performing makes her break into a cold sweat?

Or does she pass? No stress. Life goes on.

She accepted the challenge.

...partly to conquer her "performance" demon once and for all.

...partly to prove that even an almost-sixty-year-old can rock it out with the "youngsters."

She practiced for 15 hours...over and over and over. She felt pretty good going into a practice.

Everything went fine until the solos...the guitarist nailed his solo.

Cheryl not so much.

So the band leader said, "Look Cheryl. There's no shame...Van Halen is crazy talented and he didn't even play it live in all their concerts. We'll just cover it in the loops and you can do a "Milli Vanilli."

Cheryl said, "No way. I can do it. I'll practice more. If you can send me a recording of just the solo, I'll get it. Trust me. I know I can do this without any safety nets."

More hours of practice over the next two days...

She killed it!

I'd put her keyboard performance (minus the spandex jumpsuit, big hair and attitude) on par with Van Halen.

If you're curious, jump to 1:25 mark in the video shared by the 17-year-old guitar soloist's dad.

Jump at LCBC

What would a crazy big "Jump" look like for your business?

As entrepreneurs, we all have our own fears that keep us from moving forward...

+ Fear of learning new technology...that's a big one for me that I'm trying to push through right now.

+ Fear of investing money into our business. i.e. personal business coaches, consultants, advertising, trade shows, more staff.

+ Fear of slowing down and trusting automation to do the heavy lifting...tough for us grinders whose strategy is simply to out-work our competitors.

Taking leaps of faith to catapult your business to the next stage is part of the whole entrepreneur experience. Gotta do it at some point.

We'd love to be a support system for you.

Take a leap and schedule a free consult with solo auditions required!
I'll be back tomorrow 🙂

Art Basmajian signature

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