Toll Booths and Referral Tracking

/By: bmsteam

- December 13, 2018 -

Toll roads.

Nobody likes paying to drive on them, but sometimes they're the only option.

If you've been getting my Contrarian emails for a while, you know that Cheryl has "issues" with traffic violations.

Lots of issues.

Just when I think we've got the speeding problem under control, she finds a new way to be cited.

Most recently, not paying the toll after getting off the Pa Turnpike.

(In her defense, I've done the same thing at the same spot - but let's keep that between you and me.)

What happens is that you get a nasty Violation Notice that makes it sound like you've committed a federal offense.

...the fine amount that you're invoiced for is obscene.

...the photo of your license plate captured as you blew through the E-Z Pass is included as proof of your crime.

...the date, time (down to the second) and the Plaza and lane that you blazed through are all documented.

...and you're warned that if you have six or more unpaid toll violations or $500 or more in unpaid toll invoices and fees, you're eligible for suspension of your driver's license.

IF you turn to the next're given instructions on how to appeal, one option being a simple payment by check of the regular rate (no fine) if you still have your toll ticket.

...which Cheryl did since she save everything.

Check in the mail. Crisis averted. No jail time or loss of license 🙂

You gotta admit, they have one hell of a tracking system.

Just like referral tracking links!

And often just as confusing.

I get asked quite a bit about how referral (affiliate) tracking works so here's the down and dirty on how referral tracking links really work:

(I'm going to use Infusionsoft as a reference since that's the CRM we use but whatever you are using works the same way.)

Step 1: When a user click an Infusionsoft Referral Tracking Link it cookies the device and browser they were using when they clicked.

Step 2: When someone submits an Infusionsoft opt-in (web form, order form or shopping cart) it checks for the presence of a referral cookie. And if one exists, it establishes the relationship between that contact and the corresponding partner.

In an ideal world...those two events would happen back to back. Someone clicks a tracking link, they wind up on an opt-in page, submit their info, and everything is groovy like a drive-in movie.

The more distance between Step 1 and Step 2 the greater the margin for error.

In theory, those events could happen days or weeks apart. And as long as the cookie is still present (and has not expired) then it should be recognized and the relationship is established.

Because this all hinges on cookies...there is potential for things to go wrong.

Here are the most common ways referral tracking can break down:

+ If the device the lead clicks on and the device they opt-in on are not the same.

+ If the lead clears their cache and cookies in between the two steps.

+ If they opt-in through a third-party system (like Lead Pages) and it doesn't check for the presence of a cookie.

Clear as mud?

I usually avoid technical stuff like the plague...but in my opinion tracking is the #1 skill set needed to optimize your marketing efforts.

It's where I've spent the majority of my efforts this year with my team.

...if you don't know which marketing ads are leading to the majority of your sales, you're just spittin' in the wind.

...if you don't know which marketing media is generating the most qualified leads, you're flushing your marketing spend down the toilet.

...if your sales guys aren't tracking their call outcomes, your just "dialing for dollars."

Want to get your tracking back "on track" for 2019?

I'm offering a deep-dive Discovery Session with our team of experts for the price of a movie and popcorn for two.

Click here to learn more and make sure to use the promo code DISCOVERY50 before midnight Monday, December 12th to get the discounted price.

(You can definitely schedule a free consult - but the Discovery Session is where the real value is.)


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