"Time" For An Intervention

/By: bmsteam

- May 3, 2018 -

A topic that comes up time and again with colleagues and clients is time...

...as in never having enough of it.

I'll bet my favorite putter that it's a problem of yours, too.

So as my business coach is fond of saying, "We're going to have a little intervention."

Here's the deal:

It's not that you don't have enough hours in the day...

You've got the same 24 that I do.

I'm running multiple businesses...

...and managing a physical office staff as well as a virtual team,

...while racking up on average 700 miles a month, driving to and from appointments.

If you have kids, that's a whole 'nother level of busy!

The point is...stop trying to find more time because there is no more time to be found.

Can't draw blood from a stone.

Instead accept the fact that you're going to have to free up time from other activities.

...you know, the concept of "robbing Peter to pay Paul."

Now we're getting to the real crux of the matter...

How much are you willing to "pay"?

Because it will involve sacrifice. It might mean...

+ getting up early (I've tried. Can't function. EPIC FAIL.)

+ working after young kids (if you have them) are in bed

+ working on the weekend

+ skipping a meal and working through it

+ taking a planned "sick day" off and working incognito

+ taking a planned "vacation" and heading to a local hotel - order room service and pound out the work without distractions

+ and if all else fails...turning off the damn TV

There's plenty of time. It's all about choosing to spend it differently.

Personally, cutting out sleep time is a non-negotiable for me.

..I'm a Librarian and need at least 10 hours of sleep a night.

(Not making this up. Check your zodiac sign for how much sleep your sign requires.)

...and if I skimp on shut-eye, I am one cranky middle-aged man. Lol

So if you're one of the super-humans able to get up at 4 or 5am, I'm in awe 🙂

It all comes down to making a choice that works for you and your stage of life.

The choice is simply to...

...choose to take ownership of your time.

And one of the ways to free up time is to be more effective in reaching business owners, executives and top management within companies if you're a B2B business.

Click My Video automates and systematizes mass outreach to your targeted B2B prospects.
Talk soon,

Art Basmajian signature

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