The King's Crown Is Slipping

/By: bmsteam

- June 4, 2018 -

Remember when "content was king"?

It still is for digital marketers who live and die by their content calendars.

But when I look around, here's what I see:

...fiddling with ClickFunnels no one visits

...writing blog posts no one reads

...shooting and uploading videos to YouTube that no one watches

...recording podcasts no one tunes in to

...paying for a branding redo no one notices

...kissing influencer a** but getting no referrals

...creating membership courses that no one logs into and completes

...Tweeting, Snapping, going Live, posting to Instagram

Spending an obscene amount of time creating stuff BUT not making a whole lot of money.

Yeah, value is provided.

Trust is built.

Tribes are grown.

And it's "free"...although not really unless you're doing it all yourself instead of paying staff or virtual assistants.

And unless you have nothing better to do with your selling.

Here's the problem with content marketing...

It’s too slow.

It's too competitive.

Without celebrity status, you're screwed.

You work long and hard, day in and day out.

For an audience who never comes.

But you're a giver.

Bighearted but not very effective.

Congratulations! You're a content production line laborer.

And getting paid like one, too.

"OK wise guy, what do you suggest?"

Being a contrarian, I decided to do the opposite of what most marketers do when putting up a new website for our wholesale investing business.

+ I wanted serious cash buyers.

+ I did not want realtors who like to nose around and give me grief.

So in less than a week, we built a website:

+ It's not slick or fancy. (It is mobile responsive, though.)

+ It has no blog.

+ It has no free downloads or other lead bait.

+ It has the same optin offer no matter what link is clicked or page visited: Get Immediate Access to Handyman Deals.

+ It requires a 2-step optin to get access to the complete listings. Become a Preferred Buyer. No exceptions.

The site knows (is cookied) when the Step 2 form is abandoned. If they try to access the Listings page, they will be redirected to the Step 2 sales page.

Again and again and again.

The site also knows when they've submitted the step 2 form. So from now on when they try to access the Listings page, they are redirected to it immediately.

Would it come off as too exclusive? Too controlling?


Here are the results:

19% of our list converted (completed at least Step 1.)

92% of those completed Step 1 AND Step 2. (Exclusivity is a good!)

(Only 2 realtors in the lot...guess I can live with that.)

And the engagement rate for those now Preferred Buyers after receiving their first Property Alert email today?

Open Rate = 86% (unheard of)

Click Through Rate = 27%

Texts and Phone Calls = My assistant is begging them to stop so she can use the rest room. Lol

People, stop focusing on things like...

"Leave a comment below."

"Rate this podcast so we can stay in the top 10."

“Subscribe so you don’t miss future updates.”

“If you found this helpful, please share.”

“Download this free 52-page report I just spent two months writing.”

Focus on getting your offer right...and ask for the sale.

If you need help with getting this stuff right, then set up a free consult with us.

I need to go show some properties now.

Art Basmajian signature

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Life's too short to drink bad wine... or get ho-hum emails

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