The Elephant In The Room

/By: bmsteam

- November 28, 2018 -

Let's just get it out in the open.

...the question you dread hearing from prospective customers.

...the bell you can't unring.

You probably experienced *it* this week already.

The initial conversation with your lead goes well. You both find some common ground and agree to a second meeting.

You demo your product or service...or give your presentation.

(In my case, I do a property walk-through.)

Texts go back and forth.

Calls are made between both parties.

Good vibrations are felt all around.

Numbers are crunched and terms are discussed, clarified, agreed upon.

It's time to draw up a proposal. Put the final touches on a quote.

You. Hit. Send.

And then the phone rings...

"Uh. Hmm. Can you do it any cheaper?"

And there it is...

The elephant in the room.

You now have a choice to make.

How badly do you want the sale?

How low are you willing to go and still be able to look yourself in the mirror?

People, as business owners we all deal with this conundrum every day.

On one hand, we rationalize: "Any sale is better than no sale."

On the other hand, we silently scream: "I ain't no used-car salesman, dammit!"

Because here's the dilemma...

When you do finally agree on a lower price to do all the feel like you got a bad deal.

And your client feels that IF they had agreed...they would have gotten taken advantage of.

Not a good way to start a project. can't help but feel resentful.

...your client can't help but wonder if they're going to get your best work.

Here's my take on the issue:

Can You Do It Cheaper

You get the idea...

Here are a few sample replies you can offer when asked about going cheaper:

+ What parts of the project do you want to remove?

+ Quotes are based on my/our experience and expertise on a project by project basis. I'll understand if my quote on this project doesn’t fit into your budget.

+ The price of the work is the price of the work. I'm worth it - so are you.

Desperation can be a bitch.

But it's not doing you or your customer any favors by working within a budget that allows you to pay your employees (or outsourcers) and not yourself.

There's absolutely a time and place for charity and giving back.

Sustaining a healthy business is not the time or place.

Are our CyberFunnels cheap? Nope.

There's a reason why.


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