Technology is a Catch-22

- September 6, 2018 -

Technology is a catch-22.

...can't live with it.

...can't live without it.

...if developers aren't constantly updating their products, they're laggards.

...if they are constantly updating their products, we're forced to adapt or die trying.

Across our two businesses, we use a lot of tools: Infusionsoft, WordPress, Podio, Zapier, TeamWork...and a mess of others that I pay for because Cheryl says they're important.

But to be honest, when she starts talking about our tech stack...

All the plugins and what they do and why we need head feels like it's going to explode!

And then I reach for either a golf club or a bottle of wine...whichever is closer.

Here's the thing:

What we don't understand is overwhelming.

For example, in our wholesale real estate biz, Podio is the home base for everything we do.

In our marketing agency, Infusionsoft is the main hub.

My battle cry was: "I'm a business man. I sell. Infusionsoft and Podio are a pain - they don't do want them to do! They don't work! I hate tech!!"

You've gotta learn the rules to play the game.

Being the contrarian that I am...I was refusing to learn the rules, let alone play by them.

It was overwhelming. Too much to learn.

But it wasn't cutting it for me to not get on board and expect my team to embrace technology.

So whaddya do? How do you eat the elephant?

Ba-dum...One bite at a time.

For the first few weeks of digging into learning Podio, it felt…clunky at best. I felt like I was trying to spread peanut butter on toast with a hacksaw.

But the more I learned what the tool could do, the more it did what I needed.

When I finally understood what the tool was designed to do, I stopped asking it to do what it wasn't meant for.

Damn. What a revelation!

It's like I'd bought a Kuerig, thinking it could also cook my lamb chops and aerate my wine at the same time!

Now it made sense why we had to use plugins...because one tool couldn't do everything.

I still don't like technology...but have learned to respect it.

Running up against some brick walls with all the newfangled tools and strategies that everyone else seem to be comfortable with?

And how to get them to all work together:

...2-way text messaging

...measuring video engagement

...integrated appointment schedulers dialers with the convo recorded and stored in their record

...automatic cost calculators

...proposal builders

It's easier to just ignore it all and cobble together the few things you can handle without going out of your comfort zone, right?

No biggie...we've got you covered.

Art Basmajian signature

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