When you're busy running the day-to-day activities of your business, finding time to proactively plan for tomorrow (let alone for the next quarter) sometimes seems like just another chore to add to your insanely long To-Do list.
Keep in mind...I'm not a fan of a five-year plan. (For more on my contrarian thoughts on that, here you go.)
But we're talking goals here, not a full-out business plan.
So where do you even start?
We've used the Gazelles One-Page Strategic Plan (credits to Jim Collins and Jerry Porras) - and it's excellent. EMyth has some very helpful tools as well. But both felt like a lot of work, to be honest.
An approach to strategic planning that is both manageable as well as powerful.
An approach that takes the best of Jim Collins and EMyth and rolls it into one painless process.
A couple of years ago, Cheryl and I were fortunate enough to spend a couple of hours with Clate Mask, the CEO of Infusionsoft, going through our business model - and the advice he gave on how to scale our businesses was invaluable.
His simple yet impactful method for incorporating consistent and strategic planning into our busy days made such a difference that now it's a non-negotiable part of our calendar year.
What do you want to accomplish in the next 3-5 years?
What incredible feat, when (not if) accomplished, will take your business to new heights and will dramatically improve the lives of your customers, clients or patients who are helped by your products and services?
Jim Collins calls this your BHAG (pronounced BEE-hag) or Big Hairy Audacious Goal.
Don't think small here. Think BIG. Think really BIG!
A tip when crafting your own BHAG...
So...in partnership with Infusionsoft, I have a copy of the "Strategic Planning Kit" for you that you can download by clicking the yellow button below.
And although you're going to be tempted to jump right to p. 27 for the worksheet, don't cheat yourself out of reading everything leading up to the worksheet.
So when you come up with your BHAG, please share in the Comments...we'd love to celebrate with you!
Make today a great one!
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