Still Paying This Business Tax?

/By: bmsteam

- September 26, 2018 -

About ten years ago, I lost a sh*t load of money online.

I figured if I just took another course...

...bought another piece of software

...went to yet another conference to learn and "network"

...spent more money on Adwords our website

...the list goes on and on

I figured that surely all this "Internet marketing and funnel automation stuff" would give me an immediate ROI.

I bought it all...hook, line, and sinker.

Made the classic mistake that so MANY of my now-clients are making.

I thought simply handing over my credit card would solve the problem...

...that my traffic and conversion problems would magically go away. Poof!


Instead...what went poof was about $150k.

No lie!

It went too fast and too easy...never to return! Funny how that happens.

Makes me sick thinking about it every time.

(Same feeling I get when I think about stock investments that turned out to be stinkers. So I try to avoid thinking to save my sanity.)

What I did get for all that moolah was a bunch of tools and tactics that never got put into production.

Kind of like when you buy that tricked-out, top-of-the-line Craftsman toolbox with drawers of fancy power tools...

...that you don't use.

...because you don't know how to use them.

...and/or because your spouse forbids you to use them. Lol

$150k down the toilet in the course of a few years.


I call it my "Internet Ignorance Tax" and it had to be paid.

But as you's part of doing of doing business.

Hopefully yours wasn't as large as mine.

The point is...we all pay it.

...we write checks instead of investing time

...a new doohickey looks "too good to be true" but we want it anyway

...we buy a "tech" solution to a "business" problem

...we buy a guru's latest course and then never login to go through it

...we switch to another CRM but just bring the same problem to a new technology/software platform because we never fundamentally address the business problem

But here's the biggest mistake of all that we make.

The single biggest "Internet Ignorance Tax" that many pay:

Investing in stuff vs investing in people.

It behooves (don't you love that word?) me how many small businesses will consider hiring a new staff member but not taking the time to train them.

I get it. You get busy, and those procedures you swear you're going to document don't get done.

The new employee is left to figure it out themselves.

You get frustrated when they mess up.

They get frustrated because they can't read you mind.

Finally they quit.

Same vicious cycle all over again.

Sound familiar?

This is exactly why we created CyberFunnels. (No, the good-looking guy isn't me.)

I'll be back tomorrow...if you're an Robert De Niro fan, you won't want to miss it 🙂

Art Basmajian signature

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Barron Marketing’s mission is turn around the disturbing statistic that 95% of all new businesses will fail in the 1st year.

After running successful businesses for 30 years, we’ve noticed that “Businesses don’t plan to fail…they simply don’t plan.”

We find the holes in your sales process and design custom sales funnels based from years of “in the trenches” experience.

We treat your company as if it were our own.

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2. We listen, we care, we do what we say we'll do.
3. We innovate and constantly improve.
4. We face challenges with optimism.
5. We only work with clients we can provide value for.
6. We do the right thing.
7. When we are not working, we are not working.
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