Specialize or Die

/By: bmsteam

- April 6, 2018 -

Full disclosure...I am not a fan of popular reality tv.

But then I thought back to the shows like Candid Camera hosted by Allen Funt (and no, I'm not that old - I watched the reruns!)

And the Dating Game with Jim Lange and The Newlywed Game with Bob Eubanks...do any of you remember those?

...so I guess I'm a hypocrite 🙂

Anyway, think of the reality show hosts of the 21st century.

Jeff Probst and Survivor.

Ryan Seacrest and American Idol.

Tom Bergeron and Dancing With the Stars [gag] and America's Funniest Home Videos.

Chris Harrison and The Bachelor [shoot me now.]

They're all synonymous with the shows they host.

They "could" do each others shows because they're professionals. They're all good at what they do...

But would they bring the same "panache" to the show? Or would people be left with the feeling that the show just isn't the same without the original host?

They just seem to fit. They've all found their homes.

They've found their niche.

I don't believe that as entrepreneurs you make mistakes if you're actively trying to move your business forward.

You try something...and it either works or it doesn't.

You tweak, pivot, give it some time and make the call to continue tweaking...or stop what's not working.

But it's all part of the process of growing. It takes time to find your niche, your sweet spot.

But find it you must.

The other day, I talked about your business IQ.

And part of your IQ is narrowing your focus on the industry or types of folks you best can and want to serve.

When we first started Barron Marketing, we worked with anyone who needed the marketing services we offered, including Infusionsoft strategy and implementation.

And that was ok - because it honed our craft, sharpened our skills.

And frankly it positioned us in the marketplace as an expert.

Because like a specialist in any field, everything is easier when you can position yourself as an expert.

...and the narrower your focus is, the more of a specialist you become.

How the hell do you do this?

+ Get very intimate with the niche.

If you aren't an expert, partner with someone who is and who has influence and connections in that industry or vertical.

(Keep this in your back pocket as we'll be coming back to it.)

Understand exactly what keeps your audience up at night...and then discover the core problem.

+ Create a solution that addresses the core problem.

Believe me, the solution is usually simpler than you think. This is where entrepreneurs tend to overthink and make the solution way more complex than necessary...more is not always better.

By "solution" I mean the prescription to the diagnosis...not the actual development of the pill.

+ Come up with the ideal offer that reduces risk and pays you well enough that you're thrilled to continue to work with them.

Notice, I still have NOT mentioned developing or building what you're going to deliver.

So Art, you're suggesting I offer something to someone AND take their money before I develop it?

Yep...not traditional but it works with my contrarian mode of operation.

Get the offer right before you put one dime into production of the prototype.

+ Work with someone in the niche in the development and testing of your solution.

I can't stress this enough. "Build it and they will come" isn't reality, people.

...but build trust and they will come.

Normally the folks in the industry will intuitively recognize the solution when you identify it, but they are going to have reservations.

...hence the importance of partnering with someone who has influence and reputation.

This is exactly how we've moved into very strategic B2B verticals with our CyberFunnels™ line.

On Monday, I'm going to play the devil's advocate so stay tuned.

Need a strategic mentor to take your business in a more focused direction? Then set up a free consult with us.
Have a terrific weekend!

Art Basmajian signature

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2. We listen, we care, we do what we say we'll do.
3. We innovate and constantly improve.
4. We face challenges with optimism.
5. We only work with clients we can provide value for.
6. We do the right thing.
7. When we are not working, we are not working.
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