Marketing & Mad Men

/By: bmsteam

Combine growing up in the 6o's and being a marketer...and the television drama Mad Men holds a certain fascination.

Set in the 60's, the fictional Sterling Cooper advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York City focuses on everyone's favorite television ad executive - Don Draper.

You know...the guy who said, “You are the product. You feeling something. That’s what sells. Not them. Not sex. They can’t do what we do, and they hate us for it.”  (from Season 2, episode "For Those Who Think Young")

Draper is the quintessential ad man (and ladies man) and key player who lives for the next sale...while dealing with changing times and up-and-coming young executives trying to hone in on his turf to make their own name.

Reminds you a little of marketing today, don't you think?

Just when you think you're passed the learning curve and have found a strategy that works, everything changes.

Throw Internet marketing into the mix, and it gets even more interesting!

As a marketing consultant for small businesses, it's critical that we stay on top of marketing trends so that we can effectively work with our clients who trust us to get them results.

I found an infographic put out by Hubspot that shows how far we've come in the world of marketing...

Something tells me Don Draper would think we're all a bunch of wimps 🙂

Personally, I miss the 60's...cigars included.

Seize the day!

Art Basmajian signature

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6. We do the right thing.
7. When we are not working, we are not working.
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