Information Inebriation

/By: bmsteam

- December 7, 2018 -

It's your distraction inaction.

It's your fear of lie-awake-mistakes.

It's your muddled mind cluttered with cliques and click-bait.

It's your information inebriation...which has lead to your stuckification.

Yep...I feel a rant coming on.

The amount of worthless catalogs (that I'll never buy from) that jam up my mailbox (and get delivered to my office) every day during November and December is mind-blowing!

No wonder they up their prices every pay for their "marketing."

So every day you're forced to do one of two things:

  1. You either get sucked into checking out what they're all selling...waste time you don't have...and chuck them all in the garbage, buying nothing because of TMC (too much crap.)
  2. Or you chuck 'em all in one fell swoop...and ask people to give you a list of URL's to what they want!

Stuckification has set in, hasn't it?

I see it happen at this time of year...every singe year.

You experience it first hand.

You take stock of the past year:

...Is revenue up or down from the year before?

...Are KPI's better or worse? Are goals being met?

And personally:

...Is the bathroom scale up or down?

...Blood pressure holding its own or out of control?

...Living on caffeine and whatever can be micro-waved?

...Have you even had the time to take a freaking vacation?

You start to beat yourself up and ask, "Is it 5:00 yet...anywhere?" (And you know what that means.)

Come January, you make resolutions to do better this year.

...and we all know, those resolutions don't last for more than a couple of weeks.

My spidy senses tingle whenever I hear science has proven something that my real life observations tell me.

That willpower is bullshit.

Of course, I'm paraphrasing for the sake of simplicity, but that's it in a nutshell.

You cannot 'will' yourself to do something that a part of your brain has decided is dangerous or scary.

You will literally find ways to derail yourself at every turn.

Ever feel like you're your own worst enemy?

I know I have, many, many times.

It's coming...

I'm sick and tired of watching all the total BS and hype on Flakebook.

And watching good, hard working people get sucked into a maze of lies, half-truths and empty promises.

In the next few days, I'm going to be putting together something to help get 2019 on the right track.

So be watching for that.

In the meantime we can always chat.

Have a terrific weekend - and good luck with all the damned catalogs!

Art Basmajian signature

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