He Almost Threw The Fight

/By: bmsteam

- June 27, 2018 -

"Ever tried to fight with one hand behind your back? I ever tell you how badly I hate to lose?

C'mon, you know what I'm talking about. 'Cause you suffer from the same disease. You hate to lose too.

I know. I saw the moment when you decided, "Screw this" and you let 'em have it with your left.

It's a great feeling, isn't it? To triumph, to win even when you've been set up to lose?"

Dialogue from a TV show where a boxer agrees to throw a fight...and then mid-fight, he changes his mind and wins the fight.

Turns out, the boxer had made a deal with the mob for money...naturally. For his family...naturally.

Basically sold his soul.

And then something changed. You could see it in his stance, in his eyes.

He got angry and decided to fight for himself and his reputation. And the mob retaliated by planting a dead body in the trunk of his car and bribing an eye witness.

Things weren't looking good.

In the end, the star of the show makes his own deal with the mob where if his team can prove the boxer isn't the killer...the boxer will continue to fight for the mob but win this time.

(Any guesses as to the show I'm referencing here?)

When was your "screw this" moment?

When was the last time you felt like you were fighting with one hand behind your back?

...when your competitors kept dropping their prices and you felt pressured to throw in the towel and join the race to the bottom?

...when Google changed their algorithm and your main traffic source was literally cut off overnight with no warning?

...when deals you've sweat over for months and are ready to close just fall apart at the 11th hour and there's not a thing you can do.

...when you have a bad month and have no idea how you're going to make payroll.

In my years of business experience, I have found one thing to be true:

Sh*t is gonna happen when you own your own business.

A lot.

And every time is does, you have two choices and not a lotta time to figure it out:

1) You can let it get to you. Undermine your confidence. Stop you from moving forward.

You hang your head and say, "Whatever. I'm done with this." Or...

2) You can meet it head on. You can deal with it via a few choice words (out of earshot preferably) or roll out your yoga mat.

(Never will you hear me droning "Namaste.")

And then throw your shoulders back. Grin and announce, "Screw it. Bring it on!"

I hate to lose.

And so do you...or you wouldn't be a business owner.

It's not in your DNA to give in when the going gets rough.

Punching a time card isn't an option when you've tasted the sweet success that comes from beating the odds.

From fighting for your business. Your baby.

And yeah, every so often you'll find yourself being pressured to throw the fight.

It's a given.

Need someone willing to fight in your corner?

Let's get started.

Art Basmajian signature

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