Greatest (Digital) Hits List

- November 5, 2018 -

If Madonna really wanted to make a comeback, she'd be singin' this tune:

'Cause we are living in a "digital" world
And I am a "digital" girl.

Whether you like it or're a digital marketer in a digital world.

And it's not going away anytime soon unless the world at large collectively goes on a permanent media fast and...

...ditches cell phones

...and goes back to dial ups and faxes

...smashes computers

...and goes back to paper and pencil and metal file cabinets

Which to be honest, sounds kinda nice.

But in the meantime, to kick off your's a Greatest Hits List of the most "memorable" lines from prospective clients who want help with their online marketing.

...with a contrarian spin on it, of course.

...the Best of the Worst.

"You want me to pay you how much? My cousin can do that, he's on Facebook all day. He knows the cyber!"

"No, we want to stay on Wix because it's easy and it looks great."

"What do you mean we need a good writer? My wife majored in English Lit. Just tell me what words to change."

And to follow up...

"Since we changed so many words...we are getting a partial refund, right?"

"I printed out the pages of my website and scratched out the changes. What's your fax number?"

"My 17 year old daughter is really good on social media. She said she can take it over for me."

"Ok congratulations, the board just decided that will let you guys take care of all out digital marketing for 6 months and then we will decide if we hire you or not. No, will not pay you for the trial period - but you can use our logo in your website as one of your clients."

"Can't you just find some free pictures on the web?"

"My wife doesn’t like the color you’ve chosen, can we just change it to purple?"

And my personal favorite:

"How long until we're on Page One of Google? It's been three days now."

Hopefully you took this with a grain of salt.

This coming from a guy who couldn't tell you what any of the logins to our websites are if my life depended on it.

You've got your own "Best of the Worst" list.

Reasons why your prospects object to taking you up on your offer.

Reasons why your services or products are too expensive.

Reasons why they want to do things their way instead of what you propose.

And some's just good to just take a step back and see the humor in what often makes us wonder "What the he** have I gotten myself into?"

Keep plugging away at putting your offer out there.

Your perfect customer is waiting for you.

Or you can just let us do it.


Art Basmajian signature

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