Gotta Catch 'Em All

/By: bmsteam

- December 18, 2018 -

Pokémon GO.

Cool mobile reboot for the digital age of the original Nintendo Game Boy sensation.

So what does Pokémon GO have to do with marketing?

All shall be revealed...

I've always been a firm believer in direct mail marketing. Cut my teeth on it over 25 years ago (thanks, Dan Kennedy) and continue to use it primarily with our property investment biz.

But I don't only do direct mail marketing. Just dropped 2K in Facebook Lead Ads recently.

Can't say the same for a lot of business owners I talk to...quite a few only rely on Facebook.

I feel a Paul Simon song coming on:

He's a one-trick pony
One trick is all that horse can do
He does, one trick only
It's the principal source of his revenue

Not that long ago, Google AdWords was the go-to.

All the gurus threw fist loads of money in Google's playground.

...originally called BackRub by Larry Page and Sergey Brin for a hot minute, I see where they were going with the reference to backlinks. But what a disaster that would have been.

Adwords was all we used many moons ago when we were knee deep in affiliate and network was a glorious thing.

Until it wasn't.

I never diversified my marketing, and one afternoon at a conference I got a notice on my laptop that my Google AdWords account had been banned.

Thinking I'd outwit the Big Guy, I set up a second was promptly shut down.

I learned a hard lesson.

You've got to play the "Pokémon GO" of marketing...and try to catch 'em ALL.

Had I instead spent the time setting up a direct mail campaign, YouTube videos, telemarketing, a proper online funnel...the loss of AdWords would have been a problem.

But it wouldn't have completely shut off my lead supply.

Today...Facebook is the traffic supplier "du jour." Advertising is still relatively cheap.

And if you can keep your account from getting banned -- which is a real issue since Facebook changes its rules like you and I change our underwear -- you can get leads for relatively little money.

(Whether they convert to a customer is a whole 'nother conversation.)

But this is nothing new. This was the exact scenario that played out in Google traffic that was going to replace all other media channels until something changed.

Facebook Lead Ads is now the belle of the ball.

But there will come a time when a younger, hotter chick will steal her crown.

Don't misunderstand me...I'll continue to use Facebook, Adwords, LinkedIn, content marketing, and whatever comes down the digital pike.

BUT I will also aggressively continue to use offline marketing.

Your job as CEO is to manage risk.

If there is ONE thing you do to close out 2018...

...Dollar cost average all your leads.

+ Take the total money spent on all your marketing for lead sources and divide it by the number of leads you got. That's your cost average.

+ If you're not hyperventilating at that're marketing on a more advanced level than your competitors.

+ If you're on the verge of a on your back-end processes to cut some costs so you can afford to pay more per lead than anyone else in your industry.

Whatever your marketing budget NOT rely on one single media for your leads.

It puts yourself, your family, your employees, and your business at risk.

Your job as CEO is to manage risk i all areas of your business.

At the end of the day, be the grand master Pokémon champ of your industry.

We can help you Catch 'Em All.


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