Find the Missing Piece...and Niche

/By: bmsteam

- October 22, 2018 -

I love watching sports as much as the next guy.

When I'm in my old stomping grounds where I grew's the Eagles all the way, baby!

And when I'm home in the 'burgh relaxing on a Sunday, I'm waving my Terrible Towel with all the other Steeler fans.

But it's music that gets my competitive juices flowing just as much as or more than football or hockey.

Listening to Wynton Marsalis, Mercer Ellington, and my idol Maynard Ferguson riff on a jazz set is a double-edged sword.

I wanted to be as good as them. Sound like them.

For years, I'd practice twice as hard as anyone to land that first trumpet spot.

Try twice as hard to perfect triple tonguing or hitting those high C's.

(I've long given up my dream of playing back-up for the late Mr. Ferguson, but I still practice every morning - gets me in a good mental place when I shift to business mode.)

On the other hand, listening to the greats just pointed out how pathetic I was in comparison to them.

Pretty tough to even get close to "possessing the magic" that seemed to be as easy as breathing to them.

I've never been able to "be" the next I focused on figuring out my own style.

Million dollar take-away.

It's the same in business.

Which superstar do you follow, trying to fit into their mold?

Forget about trying to be THEM.

...duplicating their ads

...their email copy

...their video scripts

You don't want to be an exact carbon copy of somebody else.

Merely replicating what they're doing.

Let them be the fire in your belly to become the best version of you.

Frustrated with how to get started?

Find the best in your industry - you know, the companies that are killing it. Model what they're doing...

...but put your own unique spin on it.

Replicate exactly what your competitors are doing...and it's the fastest way to become unforgettable.

The most successful companies are often copied but never equaled.

Stand out by finding what they are NOT doing and fill that gap.

It won't be long before they're looking at you as the superstar...wondering how you slipped in under the radar to rain on their parade.

The missing puzzle piece

When we first started Barron Marketing, there were plenty of agencies doing exactly what we were:

...offering great web design, top-notch Infusionsoft consulting/implementation, and lead gen services.

But no one was addressing what every single business owner we talked to really wanted:

...a no-fail way to attract, engage and qualify prospects before their sale reps talked to them.

...without cobbling together a bunch of free apps and pray they play nice with each other and keep working glitch-free.

'Cause doing business that way is a bit like spending a dollar to save a quarter.

Bingo. That became our niche.

And now, to us it's ordinary - just what we do everyday.

But to our clients, it's extraordinary.

What "ordinary" thing do you have stuffed in your back pocket that's really extraordinary?

Answer that question and adding a few zeros to your income might not be as far-fetched as it seems.


Art Basmajian signature

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Why choose us

Barron Marketing’s mission is turn around the disturbing statistic that 95% of all new businesses will fail in the 1st year.

After running successful businesses for 30 years, we’ve noticed that “Businesses don’t plan to fail…they simply don’t plan.”

We find the holes in your sales process and design custom sales funnels based from years of “in the trenches” experience.

We treat your company as if it were our own.

Our core values

1. We are committed to helping entrepreneurs get results.
2. We listen, we care, we do what we say we'll do.
3. We innovate and constantly improve.
4. We face challenges with optimism.
5. We only work with clients we can provide value for.
6. We do the right thing.
7. When we are not working, we are not working.
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