Drinking From A Fire Hose

/By: bmsteam

- August 13, 2018 -

You know the feeling.

When there's so much information coming at you that you can't possibly process it all.

Personally, I am of the opinion that technology is evil.

There are times I want to literally want to bash my computer against the wall.

Last week, the office was without Internet for three days.

Not a happy camper.

When we first got started with Infusionsoft, we gulped the "Automation Is Magic" Kool-aid down hard.

And the more we studied and learned, it literally felt like drinking from a fire hose.

...Too much to understand.

...Too many if this, then that scenarios.

...Too many moving parts.

...Too many ways to get to the same outcome.

And then on top of the technology, you have to decide important stuff like:

"Should I charge $3k or $4k?"

"What about payment plans?"

"Should I have new clients sign a contract?"

"How do I handle refund requests?"

"What should my opt-in video be about?"

"Who should I target with this ad?"

"Do I exclude anyone?"

"What the hell do I say in these emails?"

"How often do I send 'em?"

You get the idea...

Disenchanted with "Automation"?

If the bloom is off the rose, I'd put 100 bucks on it that you're making at least one of these 5 mistakes:

  1. Swiping campaigns from another business who is doing well...thinking you'll get the same results.
  2. Launching a campaign before testing...not just the mechanics, but the messaging.
  3. Attracting the wrong crowd...and flushing money right down the toilet.
  4. Letting perfection hold back a campaign from actually getting deployed.
  5. Trying to automate EVERYTHING.

#5 is self-sabotage.

Over the last decade of observing companies that use or have attempted to use automation, I've noticed that those who fail at it all tried to automate the entire customer journey all at once.

And those who succeed take a totally different approach.

They work in layers and phases, starting with what was most likely to be forgotten or messed up if left entirely to people to run.

While keeping human interaction where it needs to be retained.

For example, I know that if I can get a qualified lead on the phone, there's an 80-90% chance I can close the deal.

Maybe not on that call. But it's the start of a relationship. And I will get it done.

What I don't have time for is the qualifying.

And the reminders if we have an appointment set.

And getting documents from them without me nagging them personally.

The follow-up.

#1 tip...automate the stuff you tend to forget to do.

The stuff that can get messed up.

Keep the human element sacred.

Too much automation can honk up a good thing.

(On the other hand, you can't have too much golf or wine.)

It's like opening up a fire hose and blasting your database in the face with email after email blabbing about nothing.

Sometimes you just gotta pick up the damn phone.

Or you can just let us help.

Talk soon!

Art Basmajian signature

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