Could You Pass The Door Test?

/By: bmsteam

- May 29, 2018 -

If you're into gangster movies, you might have seen "A Bronx Tale," the 1993 film about an Italian-American kid growing up in the rough-and-tumble Bronx in the 60's.

Any De Niro movie is worth watching in my opinion 🙂

Sonny, the local mafia boss befriends the kid...who's already fascinated by the mobsters lead by Sonny.

And he becomes torn between the temptations of organized crime and the values of his honest, hardworking father.

If you watched the movie, you most probably remember the "door test."

The "door test," explains gangster Sonny to the kid as he gets ready to go on a first date, is how you determine whether a girl is a keeper.

"Alright, listen to me. You pull up right where she lives, right? Before you get outta the car, you lock both doors. Then, get outta the car, you walk over to her. You bring her over to the car. Dig out the key, put it in the lock and open the door for her. Then you let her get in. Then you close the door. Then you walk around the back of the car and look through the rear window. If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in...dump her."

"Just like that?" asks the kid.

"Listen to me, kid. If she don't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in, that means she's a selfish broad and all you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg. You dump her and you dump her fast."

Keep in mind this was before there were automatic door locks.

In any case, can't say I've ever used that test! Lol

Can your company pass the "Keeper Test"?

When you talk to a new prospect for the first time, you only have one chance to make that first impression count.

...doesn't matter if you or whoever is taking the call is having a bad day.

...doesn't matter if your merchant account stopped processing orders and you're itching to call them to find out why as soon as the call is over.

...doesn't matter if it's a Friday and you're anxious to get the long holiday weekend started.

Mr. Prospect doesn't know you've got three plates spinning on sticks...nor does he care.

All that matters is that you are put to the "Keeper Test" every time someone reaches out to you or your staff for help.

They're consciously or unconsciously looking for subtle signs that indicate to them whether you're a keeper or not...

...whether you're worthy of their business.

+ Do you mention their name during the course of the call...or accidentally call them by someone else's name?

+ Do you listen or constantly interrupt them?

+ Do you try and rush them through the call before really understanding their needs or concerns?

6 signs that they just aren't into you...

Sales is a lot like dating, except instead of getting rejected over dinner because you’re not tall enough, you get rejected over the phone because your product or service doesn’t have the right features.

In both cases, you've been dumped.

And just like in dating, in every sales process there are multiple red flags and signs that your prospect is not really into the deal.

  1. Your calls and texts aren't returned.
  2. They avoid discussing what their available budget is.
  3. They start disengaging and give you vague answers to your questions.
  4. They refuse to connect you with any other decision makers.
  5. They start rushing to end conversations.
  6. They won't commit to a followup date.

Anyway...this email is starting to get a little weird and sounding more like a Dr. Phil episode!

The point's often the little things that matter most.

Automation can't replace human interaction.

Marketing is more about building relationships than spending countless hours tweaking landing pages, testing Facebook ads, and rewriting emails for the fiftieth time.

Feel like you need to get back to relationship marketing and need a sounding board? Then set up a free consult with us.
Talk soon,

Art Basmajian signature

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