Sales has been in my blood for my whole adult life. Selling investments, loans, properties. It's all the same.
Getting results for clients who are desperate for results and who trust me to work magic on their behalf is what drives me.
And the thrill of hitting pay dirt never fails to get me excited.
So when a colleague asked me a certain question on the golf course the other day, it made me think...a lot.
He said: "Art, if you had a son and he was following in your footsteps - you know, going into business for himself...what words of wisdom would you give him?"
My knee-jerk reaction: "How many words? Seriously, I could fill a book."
In the interest of time, I'm including the top five income-producing lessons that have served me very well. On the surface some may seem counter-intuitive; but if you follow them, you will see your business thrive instead of merely survive.
Especially those without money to spend.
Desperation is not attractive and will not attract the type of clients you want to work with. Believe me.
Or even what you assume you're worth. Charge what you want to be worth. Then deliver the goods.
Perry Marshall, a long-time mentor of mine said this - and I've never forgotten it. Cheryl and I have built our business on this model. Under-promise and over-deliver. Then watch your profits soar.
Your customers are hiring you to get them results. This means there will be times you will pass up a client. If I can’t produce exceptional results for someone who comes to me, I will not take their money.
It’s not in the client’s or our best interest as a company. Period.
They should “desperately want” you. (ie. Is their neck profusely bleeding?)
People make decisions based on emotion – either a fear of loss or a desire for gain. Guess which is stronger? Fear of loss hands down.
When creating new products or services, keep this in mind at all times...and you'll save yourself mucho dinero, time, and frustration.
But you have a really great product that you know would help them, you say. Good luck trying to get a buyer. Don’t get rid of the product. Just don’t shove it down their throats – they aren’t ready for it.
Lead with what your customers are telling you they want. And then gently educate them when they’re ready for the next step.
When someone, anyone, even family invariably asks me what I do for a living, I say...
I work with business owners to radically grow their businesses beyond what they were currently doing and often what they thought was possible.
If I had a son, I would tell him to stay laser focused on 7 areas: revenue generation growth...customer acquisition...product-to-market match...expanding the product sales people...developing conversion processes...and acquiring competitors & their businesses.
That's all I got! And now back to my golf game 🙂
Seize the day!
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