He Doesn't Move Pianos

/By: bmsteam

- October 30, 2018 -

Ol' Blue Eyes.

The Voice.

Chairman of the Board.

Whatever you want to call him, Frank Sinatra was more than just a crooner from Hoboken, New Jersey.

Dan Sullivan, CEO of Strategic Coach and one of the top mentors to entrepreneurs tells a story about Frank.

Dan was stationed in South Korea between '65 and '67...and one of his jobs was to put together shows for the troops.

One time Frank Sinatra came over to entertain, and Dan stood by and studied Frank.

He noticed something...

"One of the things I learned was that Frank Sinatra does not move pianos."

Frank has guys who do that.

And they're no schmucks. His piano moving guys are professionals.

They have one job and they do it efficiently - and they do it right, every time.

Frank only does two things, Dan says:

Frank Sinatra sings. And he prepares to sing. That's it.

Frank new how to delegate.

And he spent his time doing what he did best.

What only he could do.

...NOT what had to be done.

What was important.

...NOT urgent.

It's what called Unique Ability...and it's the entrepreneur's gift.

The one thing he/she brings to the table that no one else can.

Steve Jobs had it...Seth Godin has it...Gary V has it.

It's often intangible. Something you just can't put a finger on.

You can't explain it.

Call it charisma. Character. Vision.

Maybe your Unique Ability is a great sense of humor. Or the ability to put people at ease.

Or always seeing the glass half full. Whatever...

You've got it.

Maybe your Unique Ability is leadership.

The gift of command. The self-discipline to give up control of the little things.

The ability to make the hard calls...at the expense of being popular.

As small business owners, we don't have a board of directors to hold us accountable. It's all on us.

And yeah, sometimes it feels like in a basket of apples and oranges...you're the lone banana. Lol

Your staff looks at you differently. It's like you've got a Teflon suit over a Kevlar bullet proof vest...and your dirty looks are actual flame throwers.

It's like you walk in a different pair of shoes than they do.

And you want to tell them:

"Look, I don't have a Teflon suit. Everything gets to me. I just don't show it. 'Cause I can't show it. 'Cause nobody wants or needs a soft boss who can't draw a line in the sand or make tough calls."

Take a cue from the guy who "did it his way"...

Frank Sinatra sings. And he prepares to sing.

That's all.

So quit moving pianos.

Art Basmajian signature

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