- August 27, 2018 -
Napa Valley is one of my favorite places to visit...because you know, in wine country it's 5 pm all day.
Just kidding, people!
One of the things that always gets to me traveling between the East and West coasts is jet lag.
I've found that it usually takes a good day to adjust.
And that traveling East to West messes less with my internal clock less than going West to East.
There's all kinds of CRAAZY "cures" (i.e., theories) claiming to trick your body into not feeling the effects of jet lag:
- wearing the Ostrich Pillow (Google it - I swear it's a thing)
- shining a light on the back of your knees
- wearing time-zone adjusting LED glasses
- Acupressure, essential oils, salt scrubs...even Viag*a (yep, I kid you not - spam check didn't like it)
I've never tried 'em...but apparently bizarre is in demand.
All I know is that the older I get, the old internal clock seems to get harder and harder to reset!
Anyway, what I do now is force myself to reset on the very first day.
Go to bed and get up at my normal time and just totally ignore the timezone difference.
...which makes for one very long day going west and a short day going back home to Pittsburgh.
Inconvenient and unnatural at best, but it seems to gets me over the timezone shift the fastest.
There are things that'll throw you off your normal operating schedule:
...tech issues: computer or website crashes, Internet outages
...birthdays, the bigger the family, the more there are
...kids' sports - and traveling to away games
...mother-in-law visits 🙂
All these and about a million more things that threaten to “throw us off our game.”
Like this week.
It's the last full week of August...before the last holiday of the summer in the US...quickly ramping up to the last fiscal quarter of the year.
Are you still kind of in summer "play" mode or shifting back into "work" mode?
...spending time with the family.
...summer vacations.
...staying up a little later
...sleeping in a little longer.
But I've found that the easiest way to travel between "zones" is just to swallow the pill and get right back into your normal routine as soon as possible.
Discipline will drive your business...and keep you from feeling like you're in a state of continual "jet" lag.
And from feeling like your productivity equilibrium is off.
If you need some help with getting back on track, you know the drill.
Make today a good one!
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